Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ironlinks 1.17.2014

A roundup of stuff I read this week.

Playoffs Will Ruin College Football - But Not Yet | Rachel Lu
“But college football will only stay sweet if we can accept that it just doesn’t lend itself to perfect, NFL-style regularity.”
“Who are Reformed Christians, theologians, and pastors allowed to read? Or, more specifically, who are we allowed to cite positively in our writings and conversations? Are we allowed to speak positively of anything N.T. Wright has written, for example, without getting accused of all sorts of things?”
“In a world as broken and needy as ours—and with all the talent, privileges, and opportunities that God has granted us in middle- and upper-class America—church leaders should question the validity of believers giving 50 years of their working life toward creating new flavors of dog food or $1,500 sterling silver canisters for tennis balls or gold-plated staples. It’s time to admit that some things are just trivial, and if we can avoid them, we should.”
Is the Bible limited to 66 books? | Rob Phillips
“For example, in 1 Corinthians 5:9, Paul alludes to an earlier letter to fellow believers in Corinth. We don’t have that letter, nor are we aware of its specific contents. Let’s say, however, that archaeologists unearth a clay pot containing a manuscript dating from the mid-first century and fitting the description of Paul’s letter. Should the church welcome 3 Corinthians as the 28th book of the New Testament? Not so fast.”
This article represents the standard way evangelicals typically answer this question, but I’ve never quite understood the reasoning. I intend to post some thoughts on it soon.

5 Reasons Why Young Leaders Should Cherish Parenthood | Art Rainer
“Parenthood should cause a change in priorities. Work does not become unimportant, but it does become less important. Having children adds another priority in your life that is more important than work. And this is good. You always thought there was more to life than work anyway.”
Salt of the Earth | Peter Leithart
“Jesus’s disciples are not salt on food, ice, or sacrifice. Disciples are salt on the land, and that juxtaposition is more threatening than reassuring. Yahweh’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah left behind a proverbial wasteland of salt.”
The Mythos of Neutrality | Mark Ward
“The myth of neutrality isn’t attractive merely because it’s false; it’s attractive because it tells a compelling story about the world—one in which man is the measure of all things. This myth, as commonly believed (at least with respect to science), even offers us a supernatural event: the Big Bang.”
Biblical Cosmos | Peter Leithart
“At some points at least we do still inhabit the universe of the Bible. For many practical purposes, the lived world is flat and that sky certainly does appear to be a hard dome over my head. I see the sun rise in the morning and set in the evening. I’m told that if I were standing outside the solar system, I’d see something different, but I’m not standing outside the solar system. So there seem to be many possible true descriptions of the world I inhabit, depending on the angle of observation: Who decided that standing outside the solar system is the only place from which to see reality as it is? Why does a scientific cosmology, whose proof I don’t understand, trump the evidence of my senses? (I could make the point more scientifically: We don’t believe in a geocentric universe anymore because we believe in a multi-centric universe; if any location can serve as center, why not earth?)”
Inside the Evangelical Fight Over Gay Marriage | Denny Burk
“Nevertheless, I’m skeptical about the young ‘evangelicals’ profiled in this piece. It is not even clear from the article whether we are dealing with bona fide evangelicals or those who are leaving evangelicalism. Can they in any meaningful sense be considered bellwethers for a movement defined by convictions that they have largely abandoned? I don’t think so. It is indeed telling that at Vines’s recent conference, ‘most of the panelists advocating change were not evangelical but from the mainline Protestant traditions.’ That says just about everything you need to know.”
Rome’s telling silence | Steve Hays
“On the day before Christmas Eve, Newsweek published a now infamous hit-piece on Christianity. It was, in part, an attack on the Bible, but it went beyond that to attack the Trinity, the deity of Christ, early church councils, &c. It has received rebuttals from Protestants like Michael Kruger, Dan Wallace, Darrell Bock, Robert Gagnon, Albert Mohler, Justin Taylor, Ben Witherington, Michael Brown, James White, Denny Burk, and Jeff Kloha. But there’s something conspicuously absent. Where is the authoritative response from the One True Church®?” 
The Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage: Why This Matters for the Church | Russell Moore

Porneia | Peter Leithart

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